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Sunday, December 15, 2024

Juanita Brooks Historical Preservation Society

Edward Lloyd Parry and Elizabeth adopted and raised George Brooks (1845-1930). One of George's sons, Will (1881-1970), married the renowned Southern Utah historian Juanita Brooks. 

Here is a website that explains the Juanita Brooks Historical Preservation Society. I encourage you to join!

Friday, August 7, 2020

Deed to Manti Property 1880

This two-page document, just uploaded to FamilySearch, details the transaction of the Shomaker home in Manti to Edward Lloyd Parry in 1880. (Click on the photos to enlarge.)

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Recent Pictures of the St. George Temple Renovation

Edward Lloyd Parry served as master stonemason of the St. George Temple from 1871-1877. Considering how closely he and his family worked on and sacrificed for this building, it has been dear to his descendants ever since. 

Now, 143 years later, renovation will give new life to the oldest operating temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Here are some recent pictures that expose the back side of the temple, where workers have stripped away exterior walls, revealing the original exterior.

On the bottom right-hand door (or window?) of the first photo, one can clearly see some of the original red sandstone exterior, prior to its being covered over with the familiar white plaster.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Utah's 19th Century Stone Quarries, by William T. Parry

Check out this new book, Utah’s 19th Century Stone Quarries, by William T. Parry. Bill is a direct descendant of ELP and a professor emeritus of geology and geophysics at the University of Utah. ELP is standing among others on the front cover of the book.

Image result for Utah’s 19th Century Stone Quarries by William T. Parry

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Joseph Parry Biographies

To download a PDF of the Joseph Parry biographies, click here.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Samuel Brooks (1789-1856), friend of Edward Lloyd Parry

This video shows the lighthouse at the Point of Ayr in Talacre, North Wales, where Samuel Brooks (1789-1856) worked as its lighthouse keeper from 1825 to 1856, prior to migrating to Utah as a Mormon pioneer. 

When Samuel Brooks and his wife, Emma Blinstone Brooks (1807-1856) joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1848, their life would never be the same. Determined to be with their fellow saints in Zion, including their friends Edward Lloyd and Elizabeth Evans Parry, Samuel and Emma and their three children (Mary Elizabeth (1839-1919), George (1845-1930), and Francis “Frank” (1849-1913)) left their life in Wales behind and migrated to Utah in 1856. When the family arrived in Winter Quarters, Nebraska, Emma died of illness. Now a widower, Samuel continued on with his children, who joined the Edward Bunker Handcart Company. On the day he and his children entered the Salt Lake Valley on October 5, 1856, Samuel also died, orphaning his three children in a strange new land. 

Samuel’s three children were farmed out to other families in Utah, with then 11-year-old George being adopted by fellow Welshmen Edward Lloyd and Elizabeth Parry.