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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Letter from Brigham Young to Edward Lloyd Parry, September 1875

Provo, Sept. 25, 1875

Dear Brother Parry,
St. George:

I wish you to take out the old wall in the cellar of the old Birch house, as we talked together about, and get good black rock and put in its place. The footing should be large flat rock about 8 inches thick, and it should extend at least 10 inches outside of the face of the wall, and it would be well to have it project some distance inside also. I wish you to attend to this as soon as you conveniently can this Fall.

With love and praying the Lord to bless you I am, Your Brother,
Brigham Young

Handwritten Autobiography of Edward Lloyd Parry

I am unsure as to whether this is Edward Lloyd Parry's actual handwriting, because the very last sentence on the last page suddenly transitions to third person to tell the date of his death. Perhaps he dictated this document. I have also posted the typewritten text of this same document here on the blog (entitled "Autobiography of Edward Lloyd Parry"), which you can access from the archives. In any event, enjoy! (Don't forget you can click on a page to enlarge then print it.)

P.S. The problem of clicking on an image for its enlargement is now fixed. You actually can click it now.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Another Rare Picture of Edward Lloyd Parry

If you've got any pictures of ELP, please send them to me!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Father and Uncle of Edward Lloyd Parry

ELP's father, Edward Parry (1792-1867)
ELP's father, Edward Parry (1792-1867)
ELP's uncle AND father-in-law, Thomas Robert Parry (1801-1886)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Other People Somehow Involved in the Life of ELP

Caroline Parry, 1860-1930
Corry Elizabeth Parry
The Lord impressed ELP regarding a weak scaffolding during the construction of the St. George Temple, and this man, George Jarvis, repaired it
ELP's daughter, Mary Ellen Parry 1862-1912
ELP's daughter, Mary Ellen Parry 1862-1912
Parry Reunion, 1999 (See anyone you know?)
If you have any more info on any of the people in this post, please let me know. Thanks!

Even More Pictures

E.L. Parry and Sons
Parry home in St. George
ELP's second wife, Ann Parry Parry (1835-1886)

Three Gem Pictures of Edward Lloyd Parry

More Pictures of Edward Lloyd Parry

E.L. Parry's Store in Manti, with him at the entrance
His first wife, Elizabeth Evans Parry (1817-1880)

Edward Lloyd Parry's Masonry Tools

Special thanks to my friend the "Sunflower Lady" for getting me pictures of these tools, which are on display in the LDS Church History Museum in Salt Lake City (except the one with the ruler in it).

Pictures of Edward Lloyd Parry

ELP's grave in Manti
Ad from Manti newspaper
Another ad
With his sons, including adoptive son George Brooks (seated next to him)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Autobiography of Edward Lloyd Parry

I was born August 25, 1818, at or near the village of St. George, Denbinghshire, North Wales. My parents’ names were Edward Parry and Mary Lloyd.

My early boyhood was passed in the village of St. George. My mother died when I was but four and a half years of age, leaving three children... two girls, Margaret and Mary, and myself. My sisters were taken care of by a nurse each, to whom my father paid three shillings per week each, while he and I went to live with his parents. My father was a well-to-do stonemason and bricklayer, as were also my grandfather and my great-grand father.

I attended school until I was twelve years of age, when I went to work along with my father at the mason trade. I received one term of school again at the age of fourteen; and also attended night school at the age of twenty-four and twenty-five.

I passed my early manhood in the village of St. George and the adjacent towns, working at my trade as a stonemason and bricklayer, which vocation I was naturally inclined to follow. I worked a great deal about the state of Lord Dinorbin. Also assisted in erecting a number of dwellings, vicherages, railroad bridges and churches.

I married Elizabeth Evans 16 August 1846.

Being naturally inclined to be religious, I frequently attended the Church of England and went to hear ministers of other denominations preach. But I could not be converted to join any of them; as their teachings did not appear to be consistent or in harmony with the Gospel as taught by the Savior and His apostles. On hearing an Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints preach, I was converted to the truth, and wondered why I had not understood the Gospel in that light before.

I was baptized March 9, 1848, by Elder Abel Evans and confirmed at the riverside about 5 weeks later. I was ordained a Priest during the summer of 1848. My wife Elizabeth and my father and number of relatives joined the Church.

I was ordained an Elder January 21, 1849, and on January 9, 1850 I was called to preside over the Abergele Branch. On February 22, 1851, I was set apart as first counsellor to the President of the Denbighshire Conference. I labored and preached faithfully in that neighborhood until I immigrated to Utah in 1853.

I kept an open house for the Elders and Saints, providing them with food, shelter, clothing and money to pay their traveling expenses, etc. Being desirous of gathering with the body of the Church where I could be taught more fully the principles of the Gospel and receive a more fullness of the blessings and the benefits there to be derived.

On reading an article written by Brother Orson Pratt, then the President of the European Mission, counseling all that could do so to go to Utah. So in the year 1853 I concluded to take his council. But when the time came I did not have the means with which to pay emigration as I had used the obtained from my labor for the support of the traveling Elders and the mission. I therefore had to emigrate on the perpetual emigration fund. When ready to leave, my relatives and friends sent me enough money to pay my way to Liverpool, where again the Lord raised up friends to me. A lady friend there gave me money with which to buy beds and other necessary articles not provided by the ship’s accommodations.

I left Liverpool with my wife and eleven others from the same Branch, on February 5, 1853, on the sailing ship Jersey, commanded by Captain Day. Elder George Holliday being in charge of the Saints.

We were just six weeks to the day coming from Liverpool to New Orleans. We took a steamboat from New Orleans to Keokuk where we arrived April 1, 1853. We remained there eight weeks.

I obtained work across the river from Keokuk, going and coming across on a little steamer every day. I gave such satisfaction to the man I was working for (a Mr. Brown), that he begged me to stay, offering me a city lot and to build me a house and give my own time to pay for it. I thanked him for this offer and told him that I had made up my mind to go to Utah and to Utah I was going.

By this time we had procured the necessary ox-teams and wagons to commence our journey across the plains. Brother Joseph W. Young was our captain. I was put in Captain of the guard. I therefore had to go ahead to find the most suitable place to camp and to find a place to turn the cattle out to feed. I had also in most cases to go with the guard to show them where the feed was, and then go with the relieved guard again. I also dealt out the rations of flour once a week to the company.

We arrived in Salt Lake City October 10, 1853, and settled in the Sixteenth Ward. I moved into the Fifteenth Ward in 1854, and I paid my debt to the Perpetual Emigration Fund in less than one year after arriving in Utah.

I was ordained a Seventy in the Thirty-Seventh Quorum of Seventies at the time of the organization of that Quorum on January 12, 1854. My wife and I received our endowments in the Endowment House by invitation of Brother Heber C. Kimball April 1, 1854. We moved to Ogden in the Fall of 1855 as it was said that times would be hard and I had an opportunity to do some labor there and obtain wheat and other things for pay, which I did and therefore we did not suffer as some did during the scarcity of food, and we were able to help many that were poor and suffering.

The 19th February 1857 I married Ann Parry (my cousin) who had come from Wales the 2nd of October 1856 with the Handcart Company. The same month I was called by Brother Heber C. Kimball to remove to Salt Lake City to work on the Temple. He placed his hand on my shoulder in his good old familiar way and said "Brother Edward, I want you to pull up your stakes and come to the city to live and go to work on the Temple. Will you do it?"
I said, "I will if you say so."
"Well," said he, "didn't I say so?"
In three weeks after I had moved down, I reported myself for work.

I went to work on the Temple next day and continued to work there and on the public works while in Salt Lake City. I was present when the treasure box was laid in the foundation of the Temple and spread the mortar for it.

November 10, 1857, I was called to go to Echo Canyon to prepare to meet Johnston's Army and was placed as captain of ten. I remained there three weeks working on the breast-works and wigwams. When I returned home [I remained] until the spring of 1858. Then I went out again for three or four weeks. Then we were counseled to move South, that the troops were coming in, and we got ready to burn our property if the word was given.

My family and I went as far as Springville in the beginning of May 1858. We lived in our wagon and a little willow shed by the side of my sister Mary and her husband Job Rowland. We went back home to Salt Lake City about the 4th of July 1858 when I returned again to work on the Public Works [and] worked there until April 1862 when I was called to go to St. George in Southern Utah to settle. I arrived there June 5th, 1862, with my wife Ann, [our] little son Edward Thomas and foster son George Brooks. (George Brooks came to us in October 1856. He was a splendid boy and we all loved him like one of our very own.) We left my wife Elizabeth and daughter Elizabeth Ann in Salt Lake City until August 1863 when I returned to Salt Lake City and moved the remainder of my family to St. George.

I had charge of the mason work on the St. George Hall, the Tabernacle, Bro. Erastus Snow’s Big House, the County Court House, raised the Washington Factory one story higher, built a great many residences for private parties, among them, one for Pres. Brigham Young, and was Master Mason of the St. George Temple, the four corners of which I layed without the usual ceremonies, the Authorities not being able to be there at the time and Pres. Young was very desirous of having the work hurried along. I also assisted President Young and others in setting the treasure box in the Temple walls of the St. George Temple.

While in St. George we lost two children; one died in February and one in March 1871. Artimisha, aged four years, and Minnie, aged two years.

In April 1877 I was called by President Young to go to Manti to take charge of the mason and stonework of the Manti Temple. I arrived there with a part of my family in company of President Young April 24, 1877. The rest of my family came to Manti in October of the same year.

We were about two years leveling the hill, building the Terrace Walls and getting ready to lay the corner stones of the Temple, which were laid April 14, 1879. The South East Corner Stone contained a Treasure Box that I assisted in setting in the Temple. That made three treasure boxes that I had assisted in setting in Temples.

My wife Elizabeth died August 11th, 1880, and my wife Ann died August 6th, 1886, leaving me with five young children, the two youngest aged five and three respectively. Three years after the death of their mother they died in November 1889 within two weeks of each other, which was indeed a great trial to me. [His daughter Harriet tells me that he took his trouble losing those two very dear children very hard, but he tried to be patient and humble.]

In connection with my sons with whom I am at present (April 1895) in business in the stone mason and building business, I took up a stone quarry near Ephraim, known as the Sanpete White Oolite Company, from which the large stones in the corners of the Manti Temple Treasure Box were obtained... also the stone of which the Annex building of the Salt Lake Temple is built. These were furnished by contract.

[The following notes are presented by his daughters, Harriet and Emma Parry:]

The company in which he crossed the plains contained fifty-six wagons. The company consisted of different companies, namely: Independent Company, the Ten Pound Company, [and] the others the Perpetual Emigrating Company, the latter of which he was a member. He thinks he came very comfortably fixed.

In company of Daniel McArthur, David Bentley, David Cannon and others, he assisted in locating a fort South East of St. George and during the Indian troubles he stood guard many a night.

His first wife Elizabeth had no children, but the following ones were born to himself and his second wife, Ann Parry Parry:

Elizabeth Ann born 4 March 1858, Salt Lake City, Utah. Died 8 February 1917. Married Warren S. Peacock, had 12 children, 25 grandchildren, 3 great grandchildren, total 40.

Edward Thomas born 19 October 1859, Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Charlotte Ann Edmunds, had 9 children, 32 grandchildren, total 41. Died 28 September 1938.

Mary Ellen born 18 June 1862, St. George, Utah. Married Sylvester H. Cox, had 8 children, 37 grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren, total 60. Died 25 December 1917.

John Lloyd born 6 October 1864, St. George, Utah. Married Sarah Isabell Peacock, had 8 children, 13 grandchildren, total 21. Died 9 June 1916.

Artimisha born 25 December 1866, St. George, Utah. Died 15 February 1871.

Minnie born 12 March 1869, St. George, Utah. Died 3 March 1871.

Harriet born 1 November 1870, St. George, Utah.

Bernard born 8 July 1873, St. George, Utah. Married Vilate Charity Harmon. They have 7 children and 8 grandchildren, total 15.

Emma born 7 February 1876, St. George, Utah.

Hugh Evans born 8 May 1881, Manti, Utah, died 19 November 1889.

George born 27 July 1883, Manti, Utah, died 13 November 1889.

Total descendants of Edward L. Parry are 178.

Bro. Edward L. Parry had three sons grow to maturity and all went on missions for the LDS Church. One daughter also went on a mission. Two sons-in-law. Two grandsons and one granddaughter. One great grandson and one great granddaughter. Total 11 in his family.

He taught his children the gospel, first by example and second by precept, told Bible stories and was diligent in teaching them.

We think he loved tobacco and tea about as well as any person we could think of and yet he quit both when he decided to live the gospel earnestly.

The children of Edward and Mary Lloyd Parry are as follows:

Edward Lloyd Parry, born 25 Aug 1818, St. George, North Wales, died 26 Aug 1906.

Margaret, born about 1820, St. George, North Wales.

Mary, born February 1823, St. George, North Wales.

Bro. Edward L. Parry lived to a good old age, being 88 years old. He had done much good in his day and was greatly blessed of the Lord. No serious accident occurred in the building of the St. George and Manti temples, bespeaking the care of the Lord in the erection of those buildings.

Elder John Henry Smith of the Council of the Twelve Apostles and Seymour B. Young of the First Council of Seventy attended his funeral at Manti on 28 August 1906, so we see in what high respect he was held with the Church Authorities. He was buried at Manti.

The temples at St. George and Manti stand as monuments of his skill as a master mason.

He was very neat in his dress, always wore white shirts, every day in the week, had them starched and ironed very beautifully. He never entered a house without cleaning his shoes thoroughly. If he could not get them cleaned good enough he took them off and went in his stocking feet. Then took other shoes and went out to finish cleaning those he had removed.

His wife always tied his tie as long as she lived and after she died it was the pleasant task of his daughter. But he must look just right always.

He always had a good garden, free from weeds and told his family that the way to keep a garden free from weeds was to pull every one as soon as noticed.

One of his sentiments: Act in the present, don’t keep alabasters of love and sympathy to break over coffins. Living is none too sweet at best, and flowers on the coffin cast no backward fragrance.

Another: What do the dead care for the tender tokens of love, the praise, the floral offering? But living, palpitating hearts are broken for the want of just these things.

When Hatty and Emma Parry visited the St. George Temple in September 1911, Bro. Pickett, who was then the doorkeeper at the temple, showed them through the temple, taking them up to the roof, where he told them an incident connected with their father. One time when the temple was being built Bro. Parry had occasion to go up on the roof, and where the walls are built above the roof he saw a bad stone being placed in the wall. He said to the builder, “Take out that stone, my boy, and put in a good one.” The man said to him, “What will it matter, there will be no weight on it and it will be plastered over and no one will know it.” Whereupon, Bro. Parry said, “My boy, three persons will know it.” The man said, “What three?” Bro. Parry said, “You will know it. That is one. I will know it. That is two. And God will know it. That is three. My boy, take it out.” This shows how particular and conscientious he was to have the work done right.

We have said that the Lord blessed their efforts in building these two temples. Well, we will relate an incident where the Lord impressed Bro. Parry during the night that something was wrong at the temple and that he should get up early and see about it.

He called for Bro. Jarvis to go with him to the temple to see what was wrong. They found that one of the main ropes of the scaffold had been out almost through, being in a condition to snap as soon as pressure was placed on it. Bro. Jarvis repaired it and all was right again, but we can easily imagine how a bad accident could have happened if the Lord had not been guarding the building.

The Lord expects us to do all we can in such things. Bro. Parry would always examine the workings every morning before commencing another day’s work, so when he was doing his best the Lord would help him.

After the death of Bro. Parry’s wives he took the place of both father and mother to his motherless children. He was indeed a splendid father, kind, loving and sympathetic.

He was a good conversationalist, witty and quick to think. One incident comes to our minds: several brethren were at Kanute Peterson’s for dinner at conference time and were talking about the Scandinavians being of the pure blood of Israel, saying they were from the remnants of the ten tribes as those tribes traveled to the North. Bro. Parry spoke up and said, “Why bless your soul. The Welsh are not descended from the lame, halt and blind of the Ten Tribes but are descended from Gomer, the great grandson of Noah.” Then thinking he might have said too much, turned and asked one of the Authorities, “Did I say too much?” The one addressed said, “Why, no, that is just right.”

He was about 5 feet and 9 inches height when young. Heaviest weight about 180 pounds. Sparkling dark eyes and dark hair when young. Genial disposition, generous and very considerate of other people’s welfare, especially so of all the men with whom he worked. He always addressed the men as “My boys”.

One more item we want to mention here. Bro. Parry was very loyal to the authorities and even if they were faulty he would say, “Never mind, that is not our business. We must respect the authority they hold.”

This sketch was typed by Alice K. Hatch, 30th November 1938. She is the Historian of DUP Manti Camp.


Excerpt from the History of Utah, volume 4, 1904

History of Utah (1904), Volume 4, pages 460 - 461

EDWARD LLOYD PARRY. The mountains of Wales have furnished much of the brain and brawn that have built up Utah and made her name illustrious in the mighty commonwealth of American States. The staunch and sturdy virtues of the Welsh, which make them good and desirable citizens wherever they settle, shine nowhere more luminously than in the annals of the colonization of the valleys of the Rocky Mountains. Something of this will be shown in the appended biography of Edward L. Parry, master mason and temple builder, now a resident of Manti, in the County of Sanpete.

He was born August 25, 1818, at or near the village of St. George, Denbighshire, North Wales, and was the son of Edward Parry and his wife Mary Lloyd. His mother died when he was four and a half years old, leaving three children, his two sisters and himself. The girls were taken care of by separate nurses, to each of whom the father paid three shillings a week, while he and his little son went to live with his parents. Edward's father, like his father and grandfather before him, was a well-to-do mason and brick-layer. The lad attended school until twelve years of age, and then worked with his sire at the mason's trade. At fourteen he received another term of schooling, and when about twenty-five attended night school. Until grown to manhood he worked at his chosen trade of stone-mason and brick-layer in his native village and the adjacent towns, erecting dwellings, churches, vicarages, railroad bridges, etc., and laboring a great deal about the estate of Lord Dinorben.

Naturally religious, he frequently attended the Church of England services, and heard ministers of other denominations, but could not be induced to join any of them. He was immediately converted, however, on hearing for the first time an Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He was baptized March 2, 1848, by Abel Evans, and confirmed at the riverside. About five weeks later he was ordained a Priest. During the summer of that year his wife, Elizabeth Evans Parry, whom he had married August 16, 1846, also joined the Church, as did his father and a number of other relatives. He was ordained an Elder, January 21, 1849, and about a year later called to preside over the Abergele Branch. In February, 1851, he was set apart as first counselor to the president of the Denbighshire conference, and labored faithfully as a missionary in that field until he emigrated to America. He kept open house for the Elders and Saints, providing them with food, shelter, clothing and money for traveling expenses.

He came to Utah in 1853, assisted by the Perpetual Emigrating Fund Company, which he promptly reimbursed as soon as he could earn the necessary means. He was also aided to some extent by his relatives in Wales, and by a lady friend in Liverpool, from which port he sailed with his wife, on the 5th of February; Elder George Halliday having charge of the little company of Latter-day Saints on board. They were just six weeks in getting to New Orleans, and arrived at Keokuk on the first of April. There they remained eight weeks, during which time Mr. Parry worked for a Mr. Brown across the Mississippi. This gentleman so valued his services that he offered him a city lot and promised to build him a house and give him his own time to pay for it, if he would stay there; but Parry, thanking him, refused the kind offer, as he was bent upon coming to Utah. Having procured the necessary ox teams and wagons, he and his friends set out to cross the plains. Joseph W. Young was captain of the company, and Mr. Parry captain of the guard. One of his duties was to go ahead each day and select the most suitable place for camping. He also acted as commissary. There were fifty-six wagons in the train, some of whose occupants were known as the Independent Company, some as the Ten Pound Company, and others as the Perpetual Emigration Company. Mr. Parry arrived at Salt Lake City on the 10th of October.

Here he resided until the fall of 1856, when, in the anticipation of "hard times,'' he moved to Ogden, where he had an opportunity to do some work and obtain wheat and other commodities for pay. In the season of scarcity that followed he and his family did not suffer, and were able to help the needy. In February, 1857, he was called back to Salt Lake City to work on the Temple. The manner of this call was unique, but characteristic of the one who made it – President Heber C. Kimball. Meeting Parry, he placed his hand upon his shoulder and said, "Brother Edward, I want you to pull up stakes and come to the city and live, to work on the Temple; will you do it?" "I will if you say so," said Parry. "Well don't I say so?" was the smiling retort. Within three weeks the move was made; and Mr. Parry went to work at the Temple Block, and continued to labor there as long as he resided in Salt Lake City. During the winter of 1857-8 he worked on the breastworks and wigwams in Echo Canyon, and in the move went to Springville, returning to Salt Lake City early in July, 1858. He continued upon the Public Works until April, 1862, when he was called to settle in Southern Utah.

He arrived at St. George on the 5th of June, the same year, accompanied by his second wife, Ann Parry, whom he had married February 19, 1857. By his first wife he was childless, but eleven children were the issue of the second marriage. He took with him his little son Edward Thomas, and his foster son George Brooks, leaving his daughter Elizabeth Ann, with his wife Elizabeth, at Salt Lake City until August, 1863, when he moved the rest of his family to "Dixie." There he had charge of the mason work of the St. George Hall, the Tabernacle, the County court house, Erastus Snow's residence and many other buildings. He raised the Washington factory one story higher, built a house for President Brigham Young, and was master mason of the St. George Temple, laying the four corner stones, by President Young's direction, without the usual ceremonies, it being desirable to hurry the work along. He also assisted Daniel McArthur, David Cannon and others to locate a fort south-east of St. George, and during the Indian troubles there stood guard many nights to protect the settlers and their property. While at St. George he lost two children, his daughters Artimisia and Minnie, one dying in February and the other in March, 1871.

In April, 1877, Mr. Parry was called by President Young to take charge of the mason and stone work of the Manti Temple. Pursuant to this call, he with a part of his family arrived at Manti, with the President, on the 24th of that month; the rest of his family following in October. The site chosen for the Temple was covered by a hill – almost a mountain, of rock, which had to be moved in order to make room for the edifice. "We were about two years," says Parry, "in building the terrace walls and leveling the hill, to get ready for laying the corner-stones. They were laid April 14, 1879. The south-east corner-stone contained a treasure box, making three treasure boxes that I had assisted in setting in Temples.''

Mr. Parry, in connection with his sons, engaged in the stone mason and building business. They took up a quarry near Ephraim, known as the Sanpete White Oolite Stone Quarry, the same from which the large stones in the cornice of the Manti Temple towers were obtained, also the stone of which the Salt Lake Temple Annex is composed. Both his wives died at Manti, Elizabeth on August 11, 1880, and Ann on August 16, 1886. For many years Mr. Parry held the office of a Seventy, to which he was ordained at the organization of the thirty-seventh quorum, January 12, 1854. He is now a High Priest.

Pedigree of Edward Lloyd Parry

You will have to click on the image below for a better view. I obtained this from

Books dealing with Edward Lloyd Parry

Apart from the web sites on the right, here are some books to help you learn more about Edward Lloyd Parry:

Brooks, Juanita. The Life of George Brooks. 1965.

Dennis, Ronald C. Indefatigable Veteran. Provo, UT: Rhydybont Press, 1994.

“Edward Lloyd Parry” in History of Utah, volume 4. 1904. Pages 459-461.

Rasmussen, Victor J., and Myrtle Hancock Nielson. The Manti Temple. Provo, UT: Manti Temple Centennial Committee, 1988.

Patriarchal Blessings of Edward Lloyd Parry

The following are scans of the three patriarchal blessings that Edward Lloyd Parry received during his lifetime. They are difficult to read, but if you email me ( I would be glad to send you the transcripts of them (which I obtained with the help of a professional handwriting analyst). I also have some rare photographs of him that I could email to you. As these are sacred documents, direct descendants only, please.

"Edward Lloyd Parry Papers" from the University of Utah Library

This past summer I came across some fascinating documents of my ancestor, Edward Lloyd Parry (1818-1906), at the University of Utah Library. They detail the construction and dedication (including spiritual manifestations) of the Manti Temple, as well as the construction of the St. George Temple. They were compiled by his son, Edward Thomas Parry (1859-1938) in the 1930s. If you are interested in obtaining a transcript of them, and are a descendant of these men, please email me at