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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bibliography for Researching Edward Lloyd Parry

Here is a list of resources you might consider when trying to learn more about the life of Edward Lloyd Parry:

Arrington, Leonard J. “St. George Tabernacle and Temple: The Builders.” Dixie College Library. Dixie College, 1993. Web. 15 Sep 2010. <>.

Bradshaw, Hazel. “The City of St. George.” Under Dixie Sun: A History of Washington County, Utah. Ed. Hazel Bradshaw. Panguitch, Utah: Garfield County News, 1950.

Brooks, Juanita. “Early Buildings.” Utah's Dixie: The Cotton Mission. Ed. A. R. Mortensen. Salt Lake City, Utah: Utah State Historical Society, 1961.

Brooks, Juanita. The Life of George Brooks. 1965.

The Centennial Committee. Song of a Century: A Centennial History and Memory Book of Manti, 1849-1949. Provo, Utah: Community Press, 1949.

Christensen, Larry D. “Martin Harris: His Last Years and His Burial Site from Mound to Memorials.” Roots Web. Roots Web, 17 Jan 2007. Web. 15 Sep 2010. <>

Daughters of Utah Pioneer Museum, 300 N. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84103. Telephone (801) 532-6479. Website: They have photos and histories of ELP.

DeMille, Janice Force. The St. George Temple: First 100 Years. Hurricane, Utah: Homestead Publishers, 1977.

Dennis, Ronald C. Indefatigable Veteran: History and Biography of Abel Evans, a Welsh Mormon Elder. Provo, UT: Rhydybont Press, 1994.

Dennis, Ronald C. Welsh Mormon History. Web. 31 Dec 2010. <>.

Digital Newspapers of Utah: The site is a PDF archive of local Utah newspapers, including Manti and St. George, where ELP lived.

“Edward Lloyd Parry.” History of Utah. Comp. Orson F. Whitney. Salt Lake City, Utah: George Q. Cannon and Sons, Co. Volume 4. 1904.

Evans, Abel. “Letter of Elder Abel Evans.” Prophet of the Jubilee. Ed. Dan Jones. 24 April 1848: 70.

“George Halliday.” Latter-Day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia. Comp. Andrew Jenson. Salt Lake City, Utah: The Andrew Jenson History Company. Volume 3. 1920.

Hackworth, Robert Allen. The Parry Factor. Blurb, Inc. (, 2009.

Hackworth, Robert Allen. “Building with Rock: Celebrating the Life and Times of Edward Lloyd Parry.” Allen and Loni Hackworth. Robert Allen Hackworth, 2007. Web. 15 Sep 2010. <>.

Hamilton, C. Mark, and C. Nina Cutrubus. The Salt Lake Temple: A Monument to a People. 5th ed. Salt Lake City, Utah: University Services Corporation, 1983.

Jewkes, Emeline Cox. “Memories of My Life.” Emeline Cox Jewkes. Carl T. Cox, 15 Feb 2008. Web. 17 Oct 2010. <>

Larson, Andrew Karl. I Was Called to Dixie. 3rd ed. St. George, Utah: The Dixie College Foundation, 1992.

Library of Congress: Historic American Buildings. The site ( contains numerous black-and-white photos of the St. George Tabernacle, both interior and exterior. Search for “St. George Tabernacle.”

Moffitt, Ellice M. “Manti.” Heart Throbs of the West. Comp. Kate B. Carter. Salt Lake City, Utah: Daughters of Utah Pioneers. Volume 6. 1945.

“Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel, 1847–1868.” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2010. Web. 15 Sep 2010. <,15791,4018-1-14326,00.html>. Or simply do an Internet search for “Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel.”

Mormon Studies Online Journal: Created by Allen Hackworth. Among its many titles, useful resources include the entire text of the book The Life of George Brooks in PDF format, and an article about Edward Lloyd Parry.

New Family Search. This is an LDS genealogical web site. I obtained most dates for births, ordinances, and deaths from this site.

Olson, Blodwen Parry. “The White Stone Men.” Beehive History. 23. (1997): 18-21.

Parry, Edward Lloyd. “Biography of Edward Lloyd Parry.” Welsh Mormon History. Ronald C. Dennnis, n.d. Web. 15 Sep 2010. At the end of the web page, Alice K. Hatch, Historian of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers Manti Camp back in 1938, also gives insight into ELP’s personality. <>.

Parry, Edward Lloyd. “A Brief History of the Erection of the St. George Temple.” (1879). I obtained a copy of this document from the Edward Lloyd Parry papers found in the Marriott Library Special Collections at the University of Utah Library (Call #Ms0368).

Parry, Edward Thomas. “An Account of the Building of the Manti Temple.” I obtained a copy of this document from the Edward Lloyd Parry papers found in the Marriott Library Special Collections at the University of Utah Library (Call #Ms0368).

Parry, Edward Thomas. “An Account of the Dedication of the Manti Temple.” I obtained a copy of this document from the Edward Lloyd Parry papers found in the Marriott Library Special Collections at the University of Utah Library (Call #Ms0368).

Parry, Edward Thomas. “Biography of Edward Lloyd Parry.” 1-9. I obtained a copy of this article in 2010 from the archives of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers Museum in Salt Lake City.

Parry, Harriet and Emma. “Ann Parry.” 1-5. I obtained a copy of this article October 2010 from the archives of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers Museum in Salt Lake City.

Parry, Harriet and Emma. “Elizabeth Evans Parry, ‘The Other Mother.’” Heart Throbs of the West. Comp. Kate B. Carter. Salt Lake City, Utah: Daughters of Utah Pioneers. Volume 1. 1947.

Pickett, Ruth. “Wheels of Pioneer Progress.” Treasures of Pioneer History. Volume 2. Comp. Kate B. Carter. Utah Printing Company, 1953.

Rasmussen, Victor J., and Myrtle Hancock Nielson. The Manti Temple. Provo, UT: Manti Temple Centennial Committee, 1988.

Roberts, R. Fred. “The Nineteenth Century Mormon Chapel in Abergele.” Capel Spring 2000: 1-3. Web. 18 Sep 2010. <>.

Roberts, R. Fred. “The Parry Family of St. George and the Mormon Emigration.” Hel Achau of the Clywd Family History Society. 26 (Christmas 1988): 5-9.

Snow, Kate C. “Dedication of Pioneer Homes.” Heart Throbs of the West. Comp. Kate B. Carter. Salt Lake City, Utah: Daughters of Utah Pioneers. Volume 5. 1944.

Washington County Historical Society. The site ( contains numerous photos of buildings that ELP helped build in and around St. George.

“The Welsh Mason.” 39-41. Heart Throbs of the West. Comp. Kate B. Carter. Salt Lake City, Utah: Daughters of Utah Pioneers. Volume 11. 1950.

Whitney, Orson F. History of Utah. 4 vols. Salt Lake City, Utah: George Q. Cannon and Sons Co., 1904. The article on ELP is found on pages 459-461.