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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Story of Two Tools that Belonged to Edward Lloyd Parry

Some time ago we posted about some of Edward Lloyd Parry's tools. We have subsequently discovered more about two of those tools. Here is a recent picture of the tools (click on the photo to enlarge):

And here is the story about those tools, as told by George Peacock to Sharon Jewkes in December 2009:

Dear Sharon,

A friend who is part of the Church Education System, whom I first knew in Springville just before he left to serve a mission in 1971 or about, had these and other tools. His name is Alan Maynes. After he left on his mission, his family moved to Springville from Manti. I never knew more of them until in the late 1980s when Alan was assigned to teach seminary in Circleville.

During the next few years, we met in in-service activities while discussing local history. Alan mentioned that he had some tools which belonged to ELP. I was astonished! I was looking at ELP because of his work as the chief stonemason on the Manti Temple. Alan’s family had purchased the ELP home in Manti and on the premises were the stone tools.

I was wanting to know what kind of a drill they used to drill stone in those days and Alan replied that he could show me one. When I saw his tools, I expressed interest in having one. Alan thought for a while, then bargained for a possession of mine which he had greatly desired. Well, we made the trade and I got the two tools – one chisel and one drill bit.

I had them until I gave them to you and Creig. I liked them, but just the thought of putting them into the hands of a descendant of ELP swayed me enough to make the gift. My assumption is that the tools were used on both the temples, but that may be poor deduction – because most of the remaining holes that are in the sandstone quarries do not fit the size of that drill bit. They are smaller. The oolite stone of the Manti would yield itself to the drill, I believe, but the red stone required on the temple was not near as exacting as the stone for the Tabernacle in St. George. But at least I think we can be assured that they are indeed the tools of ELP and the softest rock on which a drill would be used are the stone for the Manti, St. George Temples and the St. George Tabernacle, all of which ELP was stonemason or chief stonemason.

I hope your family will cherish these tools. I would imagine that the museums of any of those three structures would “give their right arm” for them if they had a chance. My great-great-grandfather, George Peacock, was one of the early settlers of Manti, its first postmaster, and a member of the first territorial legislature held in Fillmore and later in SLC. His son moved from Manti to Orangeville with the Jewkes, and my Grandmother Peacock was a Jewkes. She was a daughter of Joseph Hyrum Jewkes, born on April 6th, the son of Samuel Jewkes.

I am George Morris Peacock, son of William Morris Peacock, son of William George Peacock, son of George Peacock who settled in Orangeville.

My grandfather, William, who married Jennie Jewkes, built his home, in which I was born and raised, across the street and south of the home of Alma G. Jewkes, who was a brother to Joseph Hyrum Jewkes. Later, my mother and my stepfather built the white-bricked home directly across the street west from Uncle Alma’s home.

We knew him as  “Uncle Al,” since my father was taught that title by his mother who was indeed Uncle Alma’s niece.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Restoration of Edward Lloyd Parry's Armoire

A few years ago, a dear, thoughtful cousin of mine heard that I had written a book on the life of Edward Lloyd Parry. She felt compelled to give me his armoire, which she had inherited years ago. My father remembers as a child the armoire sitting in his parents' bedroom. Naturally, over the years it had naturally accumulated a lot of wear and tear, and there is evidence of some alterations to the piece (i.e., coat hooks, two long bars on runners in the ceiling designed to hang suits and jackets on, missing drawer handles, and we also speculate that some of the exterior and interior colors might not be original.) Here is what the armoire looked like when my cousin gave it to me (click on each picture to enlarge):

My wife and I decided that we needed to get the armoire restored. In April of 2013 we took it to a restoration specialist in Salt Lake City, who took 18 months to restore it. Along the 18 months, we worked closely with the restorer, making numerous decisions along the way. We determined that while we wanted to preserve the yellow on the panels and drawers with its hand-painted "Mormon pine" effect, it simply wasn't feasible to retain it with all the damage and dings. We were faced with the daunting decision of whether or not to change the color of the piece. After much deliberation, we opted to alter the piece to a color that we feel still maintains the dignity of the piece and fidelity to the time it was built. We are delighted with the results! Take a look at how it turned out:

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Marriage Certificate of Edward Lloyd Parry and Elizabeth Evans

Here is the marriage certificate of Edward Lloyd Parry and Elizabeth Evans:

(click on the photo to enlarge)

What do we learn from this document?
  1. Edward Lloyd Parry married Elizabeth Evans on Aug 17, 1846. Other sites and sources had them getting married on various different dates. Now we know the truth.
  2. At the time of their marriage, ELP lived on Newgate Street, and Elizabeth lived on Foregate Street, each of which was about 1/5 of a mile from the church where they got married.
  3. Both ELP's and Elizabeth's signatures are present.
  4. Elizabeth's father, Hugh Evans was a hostler, which means he likely took care of horses at an inn.
  5. ELP's father Edward was a bricklayer at the time, as was ELP. 
  6. Now we know who performed their wedding ceremony: W.B. Marsden, who was the vicar of the St. John's Church at the time. Numerous websites attest to that.
Questions the document brings up:
  1. What is after Elizabeth's signature? "her + mark"? What does that mean?
  2. Who was witness Mary Evans? A cousin?
  3. And who was the other witness, Richard Yarley?
  4. Why is ELP listed as 28? He wasn't yet 28 (he would turn 28 for another 11 days (August 25th)... unless his birthday on Family Search is wrong, or he simply fibbed on his wedding day about his age. 
Please feel free to comment about this document. Perhaps you have information we don't, and we would love to learn more about it!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Great-great-grandfather of ELP

Yesterday we came across some information on Family Search about Edward Lloyd Parry's great-great-grandfather, Edward Parry (1696-1750). As we have learned, stone masonry had run in the family for centuries. Take a look at this picture:

(click on photo to enlarge it)

Dayna Jacobs wrote the following on Family Search:

The Parrys are said to have been in Newmarket since at least 1575, but the first records I have of them living there are Barnard Parry’s (1745-1822) christening in 1745, and his father Edward’s (1696-1750) burial in 1750 in St. Michael’s church cemetery. Another generation back was Barnard (1671-1742), who is discussed in the next paragraph. 

There is a stone embedded in the wall of the church that reads: Barnard Parry, R Robt Parry, Edwd Parry, Thos Parry, May 1724 A.D. I believe this is the Barnard Parry who was the father of the above-named Edward, and was buried in 1742. The reason I think this is that Barnard Parry (1671-1742) has 5 sons, and the 3 oldest are Edward, Thomas, and Robert. Edward was definitely a mason according to his headstone, and masonry appears to have been a common occupation of the Parry family males. There are also a couple of clerks. I know that the church was rebuilt in 1724, so I am guessing that Barnard Parry and his 3 oldest sons, who would have all been in their 20’s, were the masons who built it. 

Barnard’s (1671-1742) wife Jane Lloyd (1665-1741) was from Newmarket, Edward’s (1696-1750) wife, Sydney Roberts (1698-1780), was from Llanasa, and Bernard’s (1745-1822) wife, Elizabeth Saunders (1746-1805), was from Picton. 

Some of the children for all three of these families were christened in Newmarket, and some in Llanasa. Most of them died and are buried in Newmarket, so they may be in St. Michael’s cemetery. 

Bernard’s (1745-1822) occupation was that of clerk, and his son Edward followed in that occupation. Barnard and his wife, Elizabeth Saunders, had three children who died in April of 1775. Margaret was 8, Mary was 7, and Thomas was 1 ½ . Another son named Thomas died at 2 months old in 1782. The burial records for this family are in Newmarket, so look for them in the church cemetery. 

Edward lived at Cross Keys Inn in Newmarket, and died there, too. My records say he was buried there, but I don’t know if there is a cemetery there. His children were born at Cross Keys, and his wife, Mary Foulkes was from Treabot in Newmarket, and died at Cross Keys, too. Bernard’s son John was a mason and musician, and is the one that was the first director of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. 


* Note: Newmarket is now known by its Welsh name, Trelawnyd.

Here are two videos of the church:
* Interior:
* Exterior:

Here is more information about St. Michael's Church.


Saturday, June 7, 2014

"Temple Builder:" New headstone honors stonemason of three early temples

Yesterday the Deseret News published an article about last Memorial Day's celebration of Blodwen Parry Olson's 100th birthday and the new ELP headstone in Manti. Click here to view the article.

We also pasted the article below, and put a scan of it underneath:

As Blodwen Parry Olson celebrated her 100th birthday on Monday, May 26, she also paid tribute to her grandfather Edward Lloyd Parry, as a new headstone in his honor was unveiled in the Manti Cemetery on Memorial Day.
As the last living granddaughter of the master stonemason of the Manti and St. George temples, who also worked as a stonemason on the Salt Lake Temple, she was touched by the large granite monument, taken from the same quarry as the stone used to build the Salt Lake Temple.
“I’m really thrilled about the monument. I think people will notice it because it is so beautiful,” said Sister Olson. “He sacrificed his whole life for the Church. As soon as he heard and accepted the gospel, that was what his life was about.”
Brother Parry, who was born in 1818, joined the Church in Wales at age 30 and emigrated to the United States; he crossed the plains to Utah in 1853. A few years later, his trade as a stonemason was put to use on the Salt Lake Temple. He later moved to St. George in 1862, where he would become the master stonemason for the first temple completed in Utah. After the dedication, Brigham Young asked him to move to Manti to oversee the stonework on the temple there, which was completed in 1888. While Brother Parry died nearly eight years before she was born, Sister Olson has always felt a close connection to him.
“I heard many, many stories about him, until I felt like I knew him,” Sister Olson said. “When I was young, I thought we owned it — I thought it was our temple. But as I got older, I realized a lot of other people felt the same way.”
Brother Parry’s existing headstone had become weathered and was leaning. Sister Olson’s son, Parry Olson, a namesake of his great-grandfather, said he felt the need to improve the marker for several years. It was a thought that came to him after he saw a display of Edward Lloyd Parry’s work in the Church History Museum in Salt Lake City, which included several of his tools and a caption above his portrait that read “Temple Builder.”
“That’s what started my thought process for this, thinking this man who is not very well known deserves more recognition,” he said.
The Olsons began contacting other descendants of Edward Lloyd Parry and received donations for a three-and-a-half ton monument of granite, purchased through State Stone. Keith MacKay, the president of the company, traveled to Manti to see the headstone put into place on Saturday, May 24. Brother MacKay gained a deep appreciation for Brother Parry and the pioneer stonemasons as his company has been involved in ongoing maintenance work of the stone on the Manti Temple for nearly 40 years, including a major restoration project in the late 1990s.
“I am amazed with the kind of work they did with the horse and buggies and the pulleys to pull all that heavy stone to the top,” said Brother MacKay. “I was on that restoration job for three years with the scaffolding. It is amazing how the pioneers did things. I marvel at it.”
Brother Olson is pleased his great-grandfather will not be forgotten, as his posterity honors him for his sacrifices in helping to build three temples. “It was more elegant, more impressive than what I was hoping for. It was wonderful.”
And for Sister Olson, an even better way to celebrate her 100th birthday.
“It was a wonderful day, and to see so many of our relatives there and to see how supportive they have been with this, and how interested they were in the new monument, and I think it will do a great deal of good with all of Edward Lloyd Parry’s posterity.”

(click to enlarge)

P.S. The article also appears here, with a few different photos.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Parry Home in Manti: A National Register Utah Historic Site

Back in 1982, a request was made to recognize the Parry home in Manti as a nationally recognized home of historic significance. Click here to see that request, which contains lots of interesting information regarding the construction of that home. Below is each page of that interesting document. Of particular interest are the last two pages, which detail expansion of the home and the years it took place, including the move from a two-door to a one-door home. (click each photo to enlarge):

Thursday, May 29, 2014

More Pictures from Memorial Day 2014 in Manti

Here are some more pictures from the Memorial Day celebrations surrounding Blodwen's birthday, the tour of the ELP home, and the unveiling of the new headstone in the Manti Cemetery. Enjoy!
(remember to click each photo to enlarge)

One anonymous ELP descendant, reliving her childhood when she used to slide down the banister in ELP's home.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day 2014: Tour of the Edward Lloyd Parry Home

In conjunction with the celebration of Blodwen's 100th birthday and the unveiling of the new ELP headstone in the Manti Cemetery, we also took a tour of the Edward Lloyd Parry home in Manti, which is located at 50 N. 100 W. The current owners, who graciously conducted the tour, have spent the last several years restoring the home as much as possible to its original state, and they have done an outstanding job! Thank you, DW and LH! We are so grateful for your kindness, love, hospitality, and graciousness!
(click on each photo to enlarge)

Memorial Day 2014: Unveiling the New ELP Headstone

Today we traveled to Manti to celebrate the 100th birthday of Blodwen Parry Olson, the last surviving granddaughter of ELP, and to attend the unveiling of the new Edward Lloyd Parry headstone at the Manti Cemetery. (click on each photo to enlarge)

 Before the stone was uncovered.

The arrival of Blodwen.

 Parry Olson, who spearheaded the arranging of the new headstone, gives a few preliminary remarks.

 ELP descendants and friends look on.

Video of the unveiling of the new headstone.

Blodwen by the new headstone.

 Back side of the stone, with the crowd looking on.

Front of the stone.