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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Marriage Certificate of Edward Lloyd Parry and Elizabeth Evans

Here is the marriage certificate of Edward Lloyd Parry and Elizabeth Evans:

(click on the photo to enlarge)

What do we learn from this document?
  1. Edward Lloyd Parry married Elizabeth Evans on Aug 17, 1846. Other sites and sources had them getting married on various different dates. Now we know the truth.
  2. At the time of their marriage, ELP lived on Newgate Street, and Elizabeth lived on Foregate Street, each of which was about 1/5 of a mile from the church where they got married.
  3. Both ELP's and Elizabeth's signatures are present.
  4. Elizabeth's father, Hugh Evans was a hostler, which means he likely took care of horses at an inn.
  5. ELP's father Edward was a bricklayer at the time, as was ELP. 
  6. Now we know who performed their wedding ceremony: W.B. Marsden, who was the vicar of the St. John's Church at the time. Numerous websites attest to that.
Questions the document brings up:
  1. What is after Elizabeth's signature? "her + mark"? What does that mean?
  2. Who was witness Mary Evans? A cousin?
  3. And who was the other witness, Richard Yarley?
  4. Why is ELP listed as 28? He wasn't yet 28 (he would turn 28 for another 11 days (August 25th)... unless his birthday on Family Search is wrong, or he simply fibbed on his wedding day about his age. 
Please feel free to comment about this document. Perhaps you have information we don't, and we would love to learn more about it!